Labor Mobility and Loan Origination
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, accepted, with Sumit Agarwal, Yupeng Lin, Zilong Zhang, GCREC Best Paper Award, link.
R&R at Management Science, with Sumit Agarwal, Pulak Ghosh, Tianyue Ruan. Georgetown Global Virtual Semiars on Fintech, link
How Does ETF Arbitrage Affect Corporate Decisions?
with Zhen Lai, Xiaoyu Zhang
China International Forum in Finance and Policy, Best Paper Award; Great Bay Area Finance Summit, Best Paper Award
We use a unique setting in China, which overcomes the problems in index reconstruction, to study how ETF arbitrage affects corporate decisions.
How Does the Equity Market Stabilize the Economy via Bank Lending
ASSA-AREUEA 2023, FMA 2022, CICF 2021, MFA 2021, CAFM 2020, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 2019, SBFC 2019
Effects of Government Bail-out on Mortgage Modification
with Sumit Agarwal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 93, August 2018, Pages 54-70, link
Mortgage servicers prefer foreclosure over modification when they are liquidity constrained. This paper shows how liquidity infusions affect debt renegotiations using TARP and mortgage modification. The findings have important policy implications for the renegotiations of distressed loans when liquidity enhancement and debt service management are provided by the same financial institutions.
How Does Working in a Finance Profession Affect Mortgage Delinquency?
with Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 78, May 2017, Pages 1-13, Lead article (previously circulated with the title "How Does Financial literacy Affect Mortgage Default", CICF 2015), link
Financial professionals are less likely to default on their mortgage loans, and many alternative explanations are ruled out. We discuss explanations for these results, including financial literacy, network, and reputation concerns.